Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy: Committed To Inspiring Leaders For The Global Age

Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy: Committed To Inspiring Leaders For The Global Age

03 January 2020

The leading institution that prepares individuals to be future-ready, maximises their potential and opens doors in life through education. Can we ever stop learning? Even speculating, we might say everybody’s response will be a resounding NO! The world is always changing with new technology, fast-growing sectors and employment opportunities. To survive and thrive in this global age, lifelong learning is necessary. Children and youths of today must be equipped to face the challenges of tomorrow when they graduate from schools, colleges, or universities. By cultivating the habits of lifelong learning at a young age, students can enhance their personal effectiveness and capacity to adapt nimbly to changes. This prepares them to be future leaders, poised to stay competitive and relevant in the evolving world.


Find out more: English article


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